Author: Melanie

  • Organic Growth for Shop Owners

    Anyone involved in SEO can tell you that organic growth of relevant content is the most successful long term strategy for search engine rank.

  • Blogging For Shop Owners

    If you run a small company, like an ecommerce store, you may find that the world of blogging for business owners is a great tool that you want to make use of.

  • 5 Easy Things to Make Zen Cart Cook

    Building Zen Carts is the bulk of what we do at PRO-Webs, so knowing them well and testing configurations and modules is a big part of what we do. Today I will give you a list of 5 things to make your Zen Cart faster and better performing. The number one thing to do is…

  • Vertical Navigation for Zen Cart

    In the quest for great navigation and proper funneling for your store, adding vertical sorting options can be a deal breaker. Search engines have know for some time that vertical search options will enhance the users experience, increase click through rates and overall make a great funnel start.

  • What Have You Done for Me Lately?

    Its very easy to become discouraged when times are tough and sales aren’t where we want them to be. Many shop owners will reach out for additional paid advertising, get rich quick schemes and other means of promoting their stores. While I have no desire to judge anyone…. Are you using your time, energy and…