Category: Ecommerce Marketing

  • Local Marketing for Ecommerce

    There are many great companies worldwide with continental and even global reach and recognition. Most everyone of these highly successful businesses started out in their local market.

  • Got a Holiday Marketing Plan?

    One of the things e commerce stores still have trouble bringing to the table is good old fashioned Holiday Cheer… Why is that exactly, its the Holidays, have fun and spread your cheer too!

  • Help I NEED a Domain Name!

    Everyone has an passionate opinion on this one, and honestly most theories are in general correct as there are many very effective schools of thought regarding domain registrations. The most important thing, in my opinion, is to register a domain that will do what you need it to do.

  • What About Conversions?

    So you have your store up and running and hopefully you are watching those conversions closely. Today, we are going to hit some not so blatant discrepancies about online conversions that you should know. I have said this before, but it bares repeating, every store is different. Even store with the exact same flow and…

  • The Trust Factor

    What is the purpose of your online store? Let me guess… You want to spend hundreds of dollars on PPC and not convert the visitors? You want to build your traffic up so you can brag, then do things to prevent the shoppers from buying anything? Seriously, we all want to make money. Business: A…