Month: March 2009

  • SEO: For Search Engines or Humans

    It is no myth that over 90% of all web users use search engines to find and visit websites on a regular basis, but should shop owners and web developers build and optimize sites for search engines, or for their visitors?

  • Organic Growth for Shop Owners

    Anyone involved in SEO can tell you that organic growth of relevant content is the most successful long term strategy for search engine rank.

  • Blogging For Shop Owners

    If you run a small company, like an ecommerce store, you may find that the world of blogging for business owners is a great tool that you want to make use of.

  • 5 Easy Things to Make Zen Cart Cook

    Building Zen Carts is the bulk of what we do at PRO-Webs, so knowing them well and testing configurations and modules is a big part of what we do. Today I will give you a list of 5 things to make your Zen Cart faster and better performing. The number one thing to do is…

  • Vertical Navigation for Zen Cart

    In the quest for great navigation and proper funneling for your store, adding vertical sorting options can be a deal breaker. Search engines have know for some time that vertical search options will enhance the users experience, increase click through rates and overall make a great funnel start.