Month: August 2009

  • Pick the Right Domain Name

    Savvy entrepreneurs know that there is more to this than something you think is cool. While there is no “secret sauce” for this… There are some basic metrics that are far more likely to lead to a website’s success. So today I am going to tell you how to plan and pick the “Right Domain…

  • Ecommerce Checkout Suicide

    While FireFox and other browsers indeed note this same error… The delivery method is far less daunting. Most recently W3SCHOOLS presented browser usage stats indicating that while FireFox usage is clearly on the rise, over 39% of users still use a version of Internet Explorer.

  • Ecommerce is Not eBay

    My best advice to eBay merchants looking to move some of their business to the more stable ecommerce platform is to completely “unthink” the eBay and get some help. Find a professional ecommerce developer and listen to everything they tell you…. Even if it goes against your eBay grain.