Author: Melanie

  • Keywords in your URLs? Matt Says Yes

    Recently, there has been an abnormally high amount of buzz regarding the use of keywords in your urls. We have know for some time that this is likely to provide a small amount of weight for ranking. However, until recently it was pretty much guesswork.

  • Ecommerce is a Fad

    Ecommerce was very much seen as a passing fad or gimmick when the pioneers of this great web institution began. Certainly being tied to your computer screen to make a purchase you would have to wait for wouldn’t hold the interest of consumers… Right?. Yet consumers began to shop were made and sales were made…

  • Tell Me What You Really Think

    If your store looks 1997 or relies on inferior website design methodology it may be holding you down. Existing shoppers are used to the site and its quirks, but what about new customers?

  • Small Business, Web Got Your Tounge?

    The best suggestion for small business owners today is to establish an online presence, well and early. It doesn’t matter if your company consists of fifty employees or just you, having a website is crucial to companies of all sizes.

  • Beating the Google Blues

    So you have worked hard, and are starting to see so good results from your shop’s SEO campaign…. Only to find that your #4 SERP (Search Engine Result Page) is now buried below the fold and your traffic has taken a huge hit. Or… Worse yet, you just made page 1 in #9 and now…