The best suggestion for small business owners today is to establish an online presence, well and early. It doesn’t matter if your company consists of fifty employees or just you, having a website is crucial to companies of all sizes.
As ecommerce continues to grow and become a more significant part of a company’s sales, businesses that do not have a website will be missing out on both customers and revenue. Just getting started, it’s not too difficult to design a company website to showcase your products and services. Today’s technology has provided many valuable web building tools that allow users of all skill levels to design their own website. Many web companies offering these web software products will let customers test drive or tour their web builder tools before actually committing to a purchase. This gives you the chance to become more comfortable with the tools and see how they can help you in designing your site…. and of course ask a bunch of questions. You then have the option of signing up for a paid service of your choice.
A website is a smart idea even for companies that are doing well without the help of online sales. In today’s highly digital world, companies that do not have a website may be viewed as outdated or even unprofessional. This is especially true when you consider the age group of your potential customer pool. Younger adults who have grown up using computers their whole lives are much more likely to order from a company that offers their products online. I don’t know many companies today that would tell you they need no additional sales. Web builder tools and web software allow small business owners the opportunity to make their company products available to customers of all ages across the globe, 24 hours a day.
If your small business frequently deals with customers from other countries, you know what a hassle it can be making contact because of the different time zones. An ecommerce website allows you to make sales from anywhere in the world 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even while you are asleep, your business can be earning sales through your web store. Once your business develops an clear online presence, you may find the majority of sales are made online, or that you are ready to move up to a full shopping cart to handle your online sales. Using web builder tools and software to design your site just makes good sense to get you started. It’s both fast and efficient and can increase your sales in just a short time. Even if you only showcase your products and take phone orders, your business benefits from the exposure and begins to gain historic trust and rank from the search engines…. Might just come in handy later on.
A website, can offer all of your business information to customers and potential employment candidates with ease and increased performance. There’s no need for them to contact with questions, when all of the information is provided online for them to digest at their convenience. This not only very convenient for both you and the customer but it also increases your chances of making a sale as consumers are less intimidated by “anonomyous” web shopping. No pressure from a saleperson in your face at the door… or fear of continued calls and hard sells. Face it, online shopping has a great deal to offer both businesses and shoppers.
Even if your company is not ready to move in to web sales, consider a blog or static website to get you started and hold your place and brand until you are. Is your companies name registered by another company for their domain name? Domains are $10.00 a year…. Make sure you are protecting your brand and future for your small business now, later is well…. Too late!