Did You Hack Your Own Website?
We have had several cases recently where a Zen Cart owner or other personnel with access infected their own site with a Trojan zcv.gif.
Brand Damaging & What it Means to Ecommerce
It’s not really Greek, in a nutshell, if you, your practices, your security or your products and services are a bad risk, Visa Mastercard feels that this damages their brand.
Ecommerce for Your Business Marketing Endeavor
Another advantage of the Internet is its worldwide reach. Small business retailers no longer have to have brick & mortar stores in many different geographical locations to become a national brand – by selling on the web, they can get their product seen by a much larger audience.
New Website Toolkit
I have decided that all we can do is provide quality, honesty and transparency in our own business. So to that end, I am providing prospective new website owners the following list of tips and precautions before choosing a designer/developer and beginning a website project.
Ecommerce for All – Best of 2009
So to that end I would like to share with you the top 10 posts that users have found the most helpful to them. May you find them helpful and continue to prosper in 2010!