Tag: duplicate content

  • Google Patent – Duplicate Document Detection

    12/1/2009 Google was granted a patent by the US Patent Office detailing how duplicate documents are detected in a web crawler system. This new patent details how Google detects and then filters or determines which documents are the “more important” version for the purpose of providing unique search results.

  • Google Attacks Duplicate Content

    Duplication for sorted and alternate view urls continues to be a problem for shop owners. The new rel=”canonical” attribute is excellent, but in our dynamic shopping carts implementation is a nightmare for most. So, Google to the rescue (at least for their results) as now in your Google Webmaster Tools you can adjust your parameter…

  • Does My Online Store have Duplicate Content?

    Google is all over duplicate content, your site will suffer for it. But what exactly is duplicate content? The biggest problem is…

  • Shopping Cart Duplication – #1 Cause

    Most of the time when we see this, it’s unintentional or at least not malicious in origin: forums that generate both regular and stripped-down mobile-targeted pages, store items shown (and — worse yet — linked) via multiple distinct URLs, and so on.

  • In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries

    So have you seen this ugly message in your Google site command results? In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the ### already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included. What exactly does this daunting phrase mean? I…