Category: So you want to be a Shop Owner Series

  • Ecommerce for All – Best of 2009

    So to that end I would like to share with you the top 10 posts that users have found the most helpful to them. May you find them helpful and continue to prosper in 2010!

  • Shopping Cart Security & Trust

    The bottom line is, you must maintain a secure shopping cart for your customers. You have tons of valid and robust options at your disposal in the current market, so having an insecure or out of date network or cart is totally inexcusable.

  • Ecommerce – Planned Obsolescence

    This post is not really designed to encourage you to pursue one type of product over another, but to draw your attention to the dynamics hiding just below the surface related consumer purchasing patterns of certain items. This post is however designed to get you thinking about the life expectency of the item’s usefulness and…

  • Top 3 Ecommerce Tips for Success

    The world of ecommerce is filled with fascinating technology and endless possibility. The move from a brick and mortar store to online sales may feel like being exported to another planet.

  • Pick the Right Domain Name

    Savvy entrepreneurs know that there is more to this than something you think is cool. While there is no “secret sauce” for this… There are some basic metrics that are far more likely to lead to a website’s success. So today I am going to tell you how to plan and pick the “Right Domain…