Tag: Google

  • Google Chrome Logging Customers Out

    Zen Cart isn’t the only platform having these issues with Chrome. The issue isn’t with your Zen Cart, but rather with Chrome. Here is what happens when Chrome users, especially mobile users, are trying to shop on your Zen Cart but keep getting logged out. Symptom: User adds something to cart, tries to login, checkout…

  • Google Dictates Blanket SSL for All

    The correct terminology is “Connection not encrypted”, in fact Google saying someone’s website is not secure with one side of their face and then not with the other is ridiculous for such a huge, influential company. I think website owners should sue the browser companies for slander!

  • Google Shopping Sucks!

    Google Shopping Sucks!

    In this post I am going to demonstrate to you that Google Shopping is an absolute fail, unless your products are square and fit in to a square box.

  • Google Says “Do as I Say, Not as I do!”

    Google Says “Do as I Say, Not as I do!”

    Well the same reason less than ethical webmasters use very near color CSS to hide text. They want or need the text there, but don’t really want you to see it. Webmasters however, are penalized for this deceptive technique, their rankings damaged and in turn their business damaged.

  • Data Highlighter Tagging Now Available in Google Webmaster Tools

    The data highlighter now has a way to tag your pages manually and create a “set” for Google to understand them all most of them without having to make edits to your Zen Cart. While I am certain the site edits are more effective, I actually recommend you do both. My reasoning is quite simple,…