Tag: Google

  • Google Will No Longer Report the Query Terms that the User Searched with to Reach Your Site!

    I have in the past defended Google’s business practices and desire to make the index a more user friendly and productive experience….. BUT now I’m not so sure Google isn’t the capitalists that many claim they are.

  • Google Reports a Correlation of PageRank for Good Spelling!

    I think Matt hit on a couple of key things on this subject that easily translate in to our current experiences with the Panda update. Using words like “trust” and “user experience” tell me that while it may not be a direct ranking signal…. It is being signaled from other relevant areas such as we…

  • Yet… Even More Panda Updates

    Yet… Even More Panda Updates

    Panda has become such a daunting and distressing word in our world lately. Makes me wonder why such a cute and loved animal such as the panda was used to name/describe the utter mayhem. I mean seriously, isn’t something such as wolverine, crocodile or even tasmanian devil seem more fitting?

  • Valid Code for Google Rank

    Valid Code for Google Rank

    I am an avid fan of valid code… but I am not hindered by an obsession to limit functionality based on validity. So if there is some really cool user need, function, navigation etc that will enhance the visitor’s experience, then hell yes I will use it…. Even if it’s not “valid” code. Face it…

  • Panda Proficiency

    Panda Proficiency

    Google’s Panda updates have been a source of confusion, stress and all around business changing ideas. The entire process Google is seeking to attain is very logical and helpful to their customers… I agree completely. Today I want to go over some old techniques which have new meaning and focus for your overall SEO process.…