Banned Code & Content
Using a shared account as a backup/storage device or a VPN is not permitted, with the exception of one cPanel backup of the same account. Please do not make backups of your backups.
Examples of unacceptable material, programs, script, content and behavior on our web hosting accounts is as follows:
- Topsites
- We do not allow background Daemons such as IRC bots; eggdrop; BitchX; XiRCON; and any other program that interferes with normal server operation.
- We do not allow IRC server, IRC bots, or IRC shells to be operated on our network.
- Proxy Scripts/Anonymizers
- Pirated Software/Warez
- Online Pharmacies
- Gambling Sites, or similar activities such as HYIP (High Yield Investment Programs), Ponzi schemes or pyramid schemes
- Image Hosting Scripts (similar to Photobucket or Tinypic)
- AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC sites
- Internet viruses, worms, trojans, flood or mail bombs, or engaging in denial of service attacks
- Use of the Services to disseminate or display images classified under U.S. law as child pornography, child erotica and/or bestiality is strictly prohibited.
- IP Scanners
- Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
- Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts
- Banner-Ad services (commercial banner ad rotation)
- File Dump/Mirror Scripts (similar to rapidshare)
- Commercial Audio Streaming (more than one or two streams)
- Escrow/Bank Debentures
- High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites
- Investment Sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Pyramid Scheme)
- Sale of any controlled substance without prior proof of appropriate permit(s)
- The sending of ANY bulk email from our resources is strictly prohibited. The sending of Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE) from another service provider advertising a web site, email address or utilizing any resource hosted on our servers, is also prohibited.
- Prime Banks Programs
- Lottery Sites
- Hateful/Racist/Harassment oriented sites
- Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
- Sites promoting illegal activities
- Forums and/or websites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
- Bank Debentures/Bank Debenture Trading Programs
- Fraudulent Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at &
- Mailer Pro
- Illegal media files of any file extension
- WordPress sites without proper caching plugins installed
- Spamming Software
- Internet crawlers of any kind
- Port scanners
- Adult content of any nature
- Operation of proxies
- MFA sites/pages
- Squeeze pages/sites
- Promotion of hate, prejudice, violence or injury
- Violations of U.S. export control laws
- Violation of intellectual property rights of others
- Hacking, and/or subverting, or assisting others in subverting, the security or integrity of provided services or systems
- Acting in any manner that might subject us to unfavorable regulatory action, any liability for any reason, or adversely affect our public image, reputation or goodwill, as determined by us in our sole and exclusive discretion
- Soliciting the performance of any illegal activity, even if the activity itself is not performed
- Directly facilitating violation of a law or regulation and/or instructing others in prohibited activities
- Image collections and/or graphics sites are not permitted
- Background Running Programs
- Crons set for less than ten minute intervals
- Redirecting to any site/page that does not meet out standards for use
- Visitors may not be allowed to relay mail or use mail functions w/o being authorized in some way (IE: Logged in)
- Search or web crawlers
- ANY adult or illegal drug text or ANY media platform is not permitted
- Pharm, diet or elicit vitamin, pill or medication content of any kind is not permitted.
- Zen cart using Easy populate are required to break the uploads down in to manageable pieces of less than 200 line entries.
- All software driven websites, including Zen Carts must be properly patched and kept up to date.
- All Zen Carts MUST have the ability to let unauthorized (guests) use the tell a friend form disabled. This is a Zen Cart reported vulnerability.
- PRO-Webs hosted clients are provided domain based email service. This service is free and not considered primary. Your email service cannot, under any circumstances be used to send ANY bulk emails. Please use a proper bulk email service such as MailChimp
- Open relays are mail daemons that allow mail to be sent without authentication to a valid local user. These relays are not permitted.
PRO-Webs, Inc. services, including all related equipment, networks and network devices are provided only for authorized customer use. PRO-Webs, Inc. systems may be monitored for all lawful purposes, including to ensure that use is authorized, for management of the system, to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, to verify security procedures and operational security. During monitoring, information may be examined, recorded, copied and used for authorized purposes. Use of PRO-Webs, Inc. system(s) constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes.
Any account found connecting to a third party network or system without authorization from the third party is subject to suspension. Access to networks or systems outside of your direct control must be with expressed written consent from the third party. PRO-Webs, Inc. may, at its discretion, request and require documentation to prove access to a third party network or system is authorized.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Any material that, in our judgment, is obscene, threatening, illegal, or violates our terms of service in any manner may be removed from our servers (or otherwise disabled), with or without notice.
Failure to respond to email from our abuse department within 48 hours may result in the suspension or termination of your services. All abuse issues must be dealt with via troubleticket/email and will have a response within 48 hours.
If in doubt regarding the acceptability of your site or service, please contact us at abuse (AT) PRO-Webs, Inc. and we will be happy to assist you.
Potential harm to minors is strictly forbidden, including but not limited to child pornography or content perceived to be child pornography (Lolita):
Any site found to host child pornography or linking to child pornography will be suspended immediately without notice.
Violations will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
It is your responsibility to ensure that scripts/programs installed under your account are secure and permissions of directories are set properly, regardless of installation method. When at all possible, set permissions on most directories to 755 or as restrictive as possible. Users are ultimately responsible for all actions taken under their account. This includes the compromise of credentials such as user name and password. It is required that you use a secure password. If a weak password is used, your account may be suspended until you agree to use a more secure password. Audits may be done to prevent weak passwords from being used. If an audit is performed, and your password is found to be weak, we will notify you and allow time for you to change/update your password.
Zero Tolerance Spam Policy
We take a zero tolerance stance against sending of unsolicited e-mail, bulk emailing, and spam. "Safe lists" and purchased lists will be treated as spam. Any user who sends out spam will have their account terminated with or without notice.
PRO-Webs hosted clients are provided domain based email service. This service is free and not considered primary. Your email service cannot, under any circumstances be used to send ANY bulk emails. Please use a proper bulk email service such as MailChimp.
Sites advertised via SPAM (Spamvertised) may not be hosted on our servers. This provision includes, but is not limited to SPAM sent via fax, email, instant messaging, or usenet/newsgroups. No organization or entity listed in the ROKSO may be hosted on our servers. Any account which results in our IP space being blacklisted will be immediately suspended and/or terminated.
PRO-Webs, Inc. reserves the right to require changes or disable as necessary any web site, account, database, or other component that does not comply with its established policies, or to make any such modifications in an emergency at its sole discretion.
PRO-Webs, Inc. reserves the right to charge the holder of the account used to send any unsolicited e-mail a clean up fee or any charges incurred for blacklist removal. This cost of the clean up fee is entirely at the discretion of PRO-Webs, Inc.
You may not use the PRO Webs, Inc. network, equipment or hosted domain email address to transmit spam, flames, mail bombs, unsolicited email messages, or any similar electronic communication. Your domain or IP address may not be referenced as originator, intermediary, or reply to address in any of the above. This policy extends to the transmission of any unsolicited mailings from another service that in any way implicates the use of the domain hosted with PRO Webs, Inc.
If you are found to have violated the spam policy, PRO Webs, Inc. reserves the right to suspend your hosting account without warning. PRO Webs, Inc. accesses a $50.00 USD reactivation fee any suspended domain or account, resulting from a policy or terms violation. Additionally, you will be held responsible for the Un-blacklisting of your sites IP address, as the IP Block belongs solely to PRO Webs, Inc. and resides on our dedicated servers. Failure to pay for the ISP reputation and blacklist removal can result in legal action on our part to recoup the loss and cost of damages.
Defamatory of Libelous Content Policy
Generally speaking, defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Slander involves the making of defamatory statements by a transitory (non-fixed) representation, usually an oral (spoken) representation. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine, newspaper or website. In simple terms, slander is defamation by speaking, and libel is defamation by means of writing. Libel is the common type of defamation that we as a service provider must deal with.
Libelous Online Content A person who publishes a defamatory statement may be liable for doing so. However, "47 U.S.C. sec. 230" states that online service providers are not publishers of content posted on their users' websites. Section 230 gives ISPs the discretion to allow customers to practice free speech or have them remove content, whichever they prefer, in response to claims by others that content is defamatory or libelous.
The Internet is a public media, therefore we believe that serious defamation issues should be resolved by public officials. We will not request that a customer should remove or edit any website content until we receive a copy of a court order declaring the statements defamatory. This immunity does not extend to claims made under intellectual property laws, please see our DMCA section for copyright infringement cases.
Backups and Data Loss
Your use of this service is at your sole risk. Our backup service is provided to you as a courtesy. PRO-Webs, Inc. is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on PRO-Webs, Inc. servers. Backups will not be provided for accounts that have been suspended or terminated for any reason unless otherwise agreed to in writing by PRO-Webs, Inc.. You are advised to keep a local backup of your files at all times.
Resource Usage
- Use 25% or more of system resources for longer then 90 seconds. There are numerous activities that could cause such problems; these include: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP, etc.
- Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD.
- Run any type of web spider or indexer (including Google Cash / AdSpy) on shared servers.
- Run any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
- Run any bit torrent application, tracker, or client. You may link to legal torrents off-site, but may not host or store them on our shared servers.
- Participate in any file-sharing/peer-to-peer activities
- Run any gaming servers such as counter-strike, half-life, battlefield1942, etc
- Run cron entries with intervals of less than 15 minutes.
- When using PHP include functions for including a local file, include the local file rather than the URL. Instead of include("") use include("include.php")
The use of more than 250,000 inodes on any shared account may potentially result in a warning first, and if no action is taken future suspension. Accounts found to be exceeding the 100,000 inode limit will automatically be removed from our backup system to avoid over-usage. Every file (a webpage, image file, email, etc) on your account uses up 1 inode.
Sites that slightly exceed our inode limits are unlikely to be suspended; however, accounts that constantly create and delete large numbers of files on a regular basis, have hundreds of thousands of files, or cause file system damage may be flagged for review and/or suspension. The primary cause of excessive inodes seems to be due to users leaving their catchall address enabled, but never checking their primary account mailbox. Over time, tens of thousands of messages (or more) build up, eventually pushing the account past our inode limit. To disable your default mailbox, login to cPanel and choose "Mail", then "Default Address", "Set Default Address", and then type in: :fail: No such user here.
Bandwidth Usage
You are allocated a monthly bandwidth allowance. This allowance varies depending on the hosting package you purchase. Should your account pass the allocated amount we reserve the right to suspend the account until the start of the next allocation, suspend the account until more bandwidth is purchased at an additional fee, suspend the account until you upgrade to a higher level of package, terminate the account and/or charge you an additional fee for the overages. Unused transfer in one month cannot be carried over to the next month.
Disclosure to law enforcement
PRO-Webs, Inc. may disclose any subscriber information to law enforcement agencies without further consent or notification to the subscriber upon lawful request from such agencies. We will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies.
Intellectual Property Rights
Some materials accessible to you through PRO Webs, Inc. may be subject to protection under the United States of America (or ported in any other country) copyright laws, laws protecting trademarks, or proprietary license. If you use a domain name in connection with PRO Webs, Inc. services you may not use a domain name which violates any trademark, service mark, or similar rights of any party.
We do not allow background running programs. This includes any IRC related software and bots. We may allow certain programs to run continually in the background upon request, and there may be an additional charge for such protocols.
Disallowed Scripts
Scripts that are commonly known for causing server disruption include large cgi message forums, auctions, and banner exchanges. In the event a script affects normal server and/or administrative operations, PRO Webs, Inc. reserves the right to disable the account pending resolution of the situation. Security of all Apache, php, Python, Perl, CGI, Ruby etc scripts are scanned daily for security and will be disconnected should they scan insecure, you will be notified.
Violation of indecency and obscenity laws can result in criminal penalties. We will upon request cooperate fully with jurisdictional law authorities.
You must use log in and submit a support/help desk ticket to request cancellation of your account. Upon receipt your account will be queued for deactivation. Refunded monies are based completely on the individual customer's contract and terms within PRO Webs, Inc. policies.
Failure to comply with any of our terms conditions and policies is grounds for immediate account suspension.
PRO Webs, Inc. reserves the right to change, edit, or update the policies contained within our policies and terms, along with the content of our web site at any time, for any reason and without notice.
Last Updated 12/12/2022