Year: 2008

  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

    We went with a very comprehensive “100% Satisfaction Guaranteed” policy for one of our store we developed this past summer. This was not only something I very much wanted to test and research in anecommerce environment, but I have a strong belief in the effectiveness of service related guarantees.

  • 2009 US Ecommerce Issues and Opportunities

    2008 has been a pretty fair year for ecommerce stores in the US… Despite the growing concern over our economy. The question now becomes, what does an ecommerce business need to do in 2009 to grow their sales and be successful.

  • Does My Online Store have Duplicate Content?

    Google is all over duplicate content, your site will suffer for it. But what exactly is duplicate content? The biggest problem is…

  • Local Marketing for Ecommerce

    There are many great companies worldwide with continental and even global reach and recognition. Most everyone of these highly successful businesses started out in their local market.

  • Got a Holiday Marketing Plan?

    One of the things e commerce stores still have trouble bringing to the table is good old fashioned Holiday Cheer… Why is that exactly, its the Holidays, have fun and spread your cheer too!