Impressed? Well you should be! Google has just supplied you the glue to bind and promote your entire social media campaign! In October 2009 Google released the new Google Social search for the purpose of experimentation. The experiment, deemed successful as many jumped in and tried it out, is now released in the Beta public format.
Cool, how do I get started?
If you have a Google profile already, just update it. If not get one!
Most of the information is general social media profile stuff…. But low and behold some great networking opportunities exist too.
- The ability to supply a short Bio in html, including those precious links!
- Custom links to your blogs and other promotable websites … and Your Google reader and YouTube profile as well.
- Contact Info
- Last but certainly not least…. a Cool Vanity URL with your username to link to. Here is mine http://www.google.com/profiles/MPrough
Well there are a few things we like to see in a social media platform that are missing… Well maybe not implemented yet.
- RSS feed opportunities … Well we can add a link, but…
- Better image loading opportunities
- More robust business related tools such as testimonials and recommendations
All in all, great way to give your social media campaign a nice boost…. In true Google fashion, for FREE!