Ecommerce Spring Forecasting
Most ecommerce stores have some season trending. This is very unique to both the store and the product line. So a store selling green widgets can be expected to trend sales in a similar manner to another shop selling green widgets… But not exactly, as they are many additional metrics that influence one’s sales.
Smarter Searchers Use Longer Queries
The need for helpful, descriptive and natural text on your store’s page cannot be understated. Your shoppers need this text to help them find you, identify your page as a good result and better navigate your site.
Ecommerce Checkout Suicide
While FireFox and other browsers indeed note this same error… The delivery method is far less daunting. Most recently W3SCHOOLS presented browser usage stats indicating that while FireFox usage is clearly on the rise, over 39% of users still use a version of Internet Explorer.
Yahoo Search Supports Google Base Formatting
This can really turn out to be a great assest to online store owners, you see Yahoo has traditionally always been a very strong search engine for ecommerce stores. Yahoo products a paid feed submission has been around for quite some time, but submitting your Google feed in Site Explorer is free and will display…