Tag: Google Webmaster Tools

  • Google Attacks Duplicate Content

    Duplication for sorted and alternate view urls continues to be a problem for shop owners. The new rel=”canonical” attribute is excellent, but in our dynamic shopping carts implementation is a nightmare for most. So, Google to the rescue (at least for their results) as now in your Google Webmaster Tools you can adjust your parameter…

  • How to Tell Google what You Think

    So if you have a mind to help Google help you, then you might want to participate in the “Tell us what you think” Feedback campaign currently underway at Google.

  • Google Webmaster Tools Gets a Makeover

    Google announced yesterday that they have launched a fresh new design for webmaster tools. If you have never used Google’s webmaster tools the you can get started with the new interface right off. If you are already using these excellent tools from Google, then login to find a link to “Checkout the New Look” in…

  • Does My Online Store have Duplicate Content?

    Google is all over duplicate content, your site will suffer for it. But what exactly is duplicate content? The biggest problem is…