Tag: Sales Opportunities

  • Ecommerce – Planned Obsolescence

    This post is not really designed to encourage you to pursue one type of product over another, but to draw your attention to the dynamics hiding just below the surface related consumer purchasing patterns of certain items. This post is however designed to get you thinking about the life expectency of the item’s usefulness and…

  • Ecommerce is a Fad

    Ecommerce was very much seen as a passing fad or gimmick when the pioneers of this great web institution began. Certainly being tied to your computer screen to make a purchase you would have to wait for wouldn’t hold the interest of consumers… Right?. Yet consumers began to shop were made and sales were made…

  • Got a Holiday Marketing Plan?

    One of the things e commerce stores still have trouble bringing to the table is good old fashioned Holiday Cheer… Why is that exactly, its the Holidays, have fun and spread your cheer too!