Matt Cutts has shared a very interesting bit of Sandbox results with us, and I wanted to in turn share this with you. The movement at Google, officially dubbed the Caffeine Update. This is an effort for everyone to preview what search results may hold in the next few weeks. This preview is delivered in an easy sandbox delivery link, so its for anyone to use.
While Matt has stated, that many will see no difference at all…. None the less with the new next-generation architecture for Google’s web search in the “Beta” stages so to speak, Google took the opportunity to have everyone help them out and provide feedback if we like.
The next-generation architecture in progress for Google search, is really quite an undertaking and if successful will deliver results faster and better than ever. The project is being held in a developer sandbox for testing. The aim of the development is to increase “”size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions.””
As you might expect, this appears to be an algorithm update and some search results are going to change as Google pushes forward toward more reliable and comprehensive search. To check out the developers running sandbox search, you use this url (http://www2.sandbox.google.com/). Google has stated that they would very much like your feedback regarding any differences between the current search platform and the sandbox.
To send Google feedback they suggest the following:
Do a search at http://www2.sandbox.google.com/ and look on the search results page for a link at the bottom of the page that says “Dissatisfied? Help us improve.” Click on that link, type your feedback in the text box and then include the word caffeine somewhere in the text box.
Google is looking for helpful feedback and suggestions such as, this site is about apples, not oranges and such. I am quite sure begging for better search results will not help you any.
2 responses to “Google Search Future Results Preview”
[…] Google announced the new search platform development back in August of this year (2009) and has provided us a cool sandbox to test results in. While the sandbox is no longer available, we can tell you that for *most the ranking changes will be mild. I would like to, however, discuss the expected ranking metrics that will likely be changed or tweaked when the the Caffeine update goes live. […]
[…] in August of 2009 Google began the undertaking of streamlining and bug fixing the Caffeine update… They even provided all of us an opportunity to use the development index in the sandbox and […]