Far too many new ecommerce businesses have little or no idea the impact that trust marketing will have in their online business success, much less its role. For most customers the value of trust is very important. The things that can cause a website to be trusted or not are not always very apparent to shop owners. This is why certain businesses continue to grow to success…. while others do not.
In an over simplified reasoning, online businesses that grow give their shoppers reason to trust them while many others help them succeed by doing very little to instill trust.
Where does shopper trust come from?
1. Never stop working to improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Most Internet users refer to their favorite search engine as a deal breaker test for trust factoring. If they can’t find you in the first 50 slots for a search term they won’t look any further… Your site must suck if Google hasn’t put it here is what they rationalize. Work to convince the search engines you can be trusted and shoppers will soon follow.
2. Making promises and then always, 100% delivering on the promise. Shoppers pay attention to how well your word stacks up against the hash reality of your checkout and final cost/charge.
3. Customer service is always a big deal… Yes even online. Do your best to make sure every customer feels taken care of and welcome. There are far too many ecommerce businesses that routinely drop the ball when it comes to customer service. Sadly, the truth is many will not be with us long.
4. Good knowledge based content must be authoritative. When you give your shoppers quality information they can use, you extend a hand of friendship and assistance to them. You are perceived as someone who is not all about getting their money – but rather someone who can be trusted and knows what the hell they are doing.
5. Make sure your store is clean. One sure thing killer of trust is a shop riddled with glaring spelling errors and other ugly mistakes. Many shoppers will leave when a careless pattern of error(s) are detected. The public feels that something as important as an online store can’t be developed with minimal error then how important are the shoppers and how well will they be taken care of. At that point it’s simply far easier for the shopper to move on…. Remember, it’s only a click to leave.
6. Your shoppers are smart so let them know that you are aware of the fact and treat them accordingly. If you work to inform without high pressure sales, then you are letting your shoppers know you understand their ability to make informed decisions without the need to be lead or even pushed. This often enhances trust…. Most niche products will greatly benefit from a soft sell or passive selling technique, as it is far more likely to instill trust…. A bond.
7. The use of auto-responders can help you manage follow up and more importantly, follow through. No one wants to be left hanging. When you use auto-responders you can effectively eliminate extended response time.
Great trust marketing doesn’t have to be difficult, it simply needs to be managed accordingly as an effective means of reaching the needs of your shoppers as they in turn help you reach your goals. If you give more than the shopper expects you will see greater trust and increased sales.
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