Google Attacks Duplicate Content
Duplication for sorted and alternate view urls continues to be a problem for shop owners. The new rel=”canonical” attribute is excellent, but in our dynamic shopping carts implementation is a nightmare for most. So, Google to the rescue (at least for their results) as now in your Google Webmaster Tools you can adjust your parameter…
Great Ecommerce Content/Copy
In our everyday dealings with our own customers, we instruct, get asked and generally can talk all day about proper content for one’s online store. This has always been a tough thing to properly execute on the part of the shop owner.
Endorsement Blogging & the FTC
Many bloggers have already taken steps to properly blog endorsement material and limit the liability. However, Monday the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) revised their rules for the use of both testimonials and endorsements in advertising. This new set of rules comes complete with the specific inclusion for bloggers. Believe it or not, this is the…