Tag: Facebook

  • Social Superiority for Ecommerce Merchants

    Social Superiority for Ecommerce Merchants

    According to and independent survey “small and mid size online retailers are highly confident in the future of ecommerce”.

  • Product Images for Facebook Like

    Product Images for Facebook Like

    Facebook like buttons on your product pages are a nice touch to your social media marketing endeavors. However, it’s quite discerning when someone shares your product page and posts a button or other stupid image instead of the product image. Several requests lead me to try to solve this… and I believe I have, with…

  • Google Plus 1 for Your Zen Cart

    Google Plus 1 for Your Zen Cart

    The +1 button makes it easy for visitors to recommend your pages to friends and contacts exactly when their advice is most useful — on Google search. As a result, you could get more and better qualified site traffic.

  • Facebook Fan Pages – Got Yours?

    Many shop owners are really lagging behind on the social media angle. Let face it, time is short and so much to do. Fact is, so many things to promote your ecommerce business cost money, this one is free… Just a bit of you precious time to get free promotion for your online shop. There…