Author: Melanie

  • Google Patent – Duplicate Document Detection

    12/1/2009 Google was granted a patent by the US Patent Office detailing how duplicate documents are detected in a web crawler system. This new patent details how Google detects and then filters or determines which documents are the “more important” version for the purpose of providing unique search results.

  • Smarter Searchers Use Longer Queries

    The need for helpful, descriptive and natural text on your store’s page cannot be understated. Your shoppers need this text to help them find you, identify your page as a good result and better navigate your site.

  • Free Zen Cart Report Purely Poultry

    Our November 2009 free site report winner is Purely Poultry. We welcome you to read their report below and visit their site as well. Please show some respect and do not create a bunch of test accounts and havoc on their website while poking around. We do welcome you to provide constructive criticism and suggestions…

  • Zen Cart robots.txt Tutorial

    I am going to post what some may consider a generic/default robots.txt for standard Zen Carts installed in to the root of your domain. I strongly suggest you read and learn to properly use the robots protocol and directives instead. I will take no responsibility for this, as it is a suggestion and you have…

  • Google Caffeine – What to Expect

    Google Caffeine is essentially Google’s new, upgraded search engine. While Google has said the official launch of the new search will not be made until after the holidays, it’s actually live in a few data centers already.