Category: Ecommerce Marketing

  • Google Will No Longer Report the Query Terms that the User Searched with to Reach Your Site!

    I have in the past defended Google’s business practices and desire to make the index a more user friendly and productive experience….. BUT now I’m not so sure Google isn’t the capitalists that many claim they are.

  • Product Images for Facebook Like

    Product Images for Facebook Like

    Facebook like buttons on your product pages are a nice touch to your social media marketing endeavors. However, it’s quite discerning when someone shares your product page and posts a button or other stupid image instead of the product image. Several requests lead me to try to solve this… and I believe I have, with…

  • Summer 2011 Plan of Attack

    Looking  at the changes and trend of Google and the other search engines, I thought it might be a good time to plot a new plan of attack. Sure, many things remain as they were… But there are also many new things we are looking at more deeply, as well as things we no longer…

  • Important information about your items on Google Product Search

    Pretty certain everyone using Google Product Feeds will have gotten the following email, but just in case here it is: Hello, Thank you for participating in Google Product Search.  We are reaching out to you to inform you about important changes we’re making to our Product Search attribute requirements for unique identifiers and tax and…

  • Product Titles That Rock

    Product Titles That Rock

    A great product title describes the product in a short (63 characters or less) and concise manner, but there is no reason why you cannot add some flair to elicit clicks more efficiently.