Category: Ecommerce SEO

  • Information Searchers vs Customers

    Many shop owners have never considered how people search. Regularly contract customers are blown away by the search phrases they get when they receive their first weekly rank report. They expect to see search phrases like “iPod” or “Apple iPod”, instead of “buy iPod Nano” or “buy iPod Touch”. Fact is, there is a very…

  • Reverse Domain Name Marketing

    More and more we are seeing off the wall, non words become solidly branded domain/company names. Names like, which essentially meant nothing at its time of inception can be very successfully branded and promoted.

  • Google Attacks Duplicate Content

    Duplication for sorted and alternate view urls continues to be a problem for shop owners. The new rel=”canonical” attribute is excellent, but in our dynamic shopping carts implementation is a nightmare for most. So, Google to the rescue (at least for their results) as now in your Google Webmaster Tools you can adjust your parameter…

  • Crawling vs. Indexing – robots.txt Debate

    This is really a long and tiresome debate… I personally have argued this point for a long time to no avail with Zen Cart forum posters… Even linked to Sebastian for verification. But, alas, the debate drags on.

  • Great Ecommerce Content/Copy

    In our everyday dealings with our own customers, we instruct, get asked and generally can talk all day about proper content for one’s online store. This has always been a tough thing to properly execute on the part of the shop owner.